The Burlington Beacon
Advertising Rates
Effective Oct. 2021
Local Rate: $8.00/col. inch
Non-profit/Church rate: $6.50/col. inch
Column width = 1.56" Gutter = .125"
Common Ad Dimensions
Full page (6 col. (10") x 21") $1,008
Half page (6 col. (10") x 10.5") $504
Quarter page (6 col. (10") x 5") $240
1/8 page (3 col. (5") x 5") $120
1/16 page (2 col. (3.25") x 4") $64
Business Card (2 col. (3.25") x 2") $32
Frequency Discounts
6 consecutive weeks 10%
13 consecutive weeks 15%
26 cons. or alt. weeks 25%
52 consecutive weeks 35%
1-15" total column inches - $25
16-30" total column inches - $50
31-126" total column inches - $100
Service Directory - $150
Includes Business Card (2x2) ad for 6 weeks in print plus listing in the online service directory and weekly Facebook promotion
Card of Thanks/Happy Ad - (must be prepaid)
$5 per column inch (b & w)
Additional $15 for color
Classified/Garage Sale Ad (text only-must be prepaid) - will appear in print edition and online. Deadline 5 p.m. on Monday.
Up to 50 words - $15
51-100 words - $20
101-200 words - $25
Ad copy deadline: 5 p.m. on Friday (unless otherwise noted)
Ad copy and payment can also be mailed to 1604 Mount Pleasant St., Burlington, IA 52601 or dropped off during office hours, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.