By Beacon Staff
For the first time since the worldwide pandemic forced the Burlington Public Library to close its doors and eliminate curbside service, locals can once again check out physical items.
While the library building itself isn’t open for business quite yet, curbside checkout returned today, May 19.
Checking out materials will require a modicum of forethought, which means it is too late to order anything for pickup today. But there’s still time for an order for Wednesday.
The Curbside Library will run from 2 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, and orders for materials must be placed by 5 p.m. the day before making the pick-up.
Library staff has been pulling and prepping materials non-stop, measuring out socially safe spaces just outside the entrance.
Materials include books, music, movies, and other items. All digital services will continue as they have for the past couple of months.
The summer reading program begins June 1, and the library now offers the option to research old editions of newspapers through an archive.
The digital scans of older editions appear much as they do in microfiche form, but patrons no longer need to be inside the building to access the service.
To access the archive, visit This short video will allow you to log in and navigate Newspaper Archives:
You can sign up for a library card here:
Photo courtesy of the Burlington Public Library