Dec 14, 2021 6:39 PM

Longtime City Clerk Announces Retirement

Posted Dec 14, 2021 6:39 PM

Longtime Burlington City Clerk Kathleen Salisbury has announced her retirement. She has been a city employee for over 42 years; during 36 of those years, she served as City Clerk. 

Salisbury has been a leader in the profession by obtaining her Certified Municipal Clerk certification in 1986; she reached the pinnacle of her profession by achieving the Master Municipal Clerk designation in 2006. There are less than 1,400 Master Municipal Clerks worldwide. She has been involved in supporting other clerks in the state through state and regional clerk associations. 

Salisbury has modernized the office over the years by implementing a  computerized document retrieval system and updating many city policies for permits, records retention, and historical archiving. 

Mayor Jon Billups said he was amazed at Salisbury’s unfaltering loyalty to Burlington for over 40 years. He proclaimed, “The city’s many mayors, councilpersons, and citizens owe a debt of gratitude to her for a job well done.”

Salisbury's last day is Friday, Dec. 31, 2021.