By Chris Faulkner
For the Beacon
Amelia Schwenker didn't have to flip a coin to choose which sport she would play in college.
The harder decision was for which college she would play soccer – instead of track, at which she also excels.
“A couple of months ago I was going back and forth between SCC and Mount Mercy,” Schwenker said of Southeastern Community College and the four-year private school in Cedar Rapids.
Local won out over long distance. Burlington Notre Dame's Schwenker signed a national letter of intent April 27 to play soccer for the fledgling Blackhawks' program, which just started last fall.
She is a forward for the program shared with West Burlington and Danville.
Schwenker is talented enough in track and soccer that she was offered the opportunity by both schools to play in both sports.
But Schwenker, who is already a Certified Nurse's Assistant at a local assisted living center, plans to enter the nursing program and couldn't see making all three work.
Of her college choice, “It's the smarter decision, and I won't have to pay a ton,” said Schwenker, who is getting a full ride. “The big thing is I wanted to make sure I wasn't in debt for many years. I can live at home.”
As a past state and Drake Relays qualifier, Schwenker could add to either track program.
She holds three school records for the West Burlington/Notre Dame girls track team, all set last year: the 4x100 relay with McKenna Marlow, Amiya Davis, and Sydney Marlow (:49.51), the 4x200 with Josie Bentz, Davis, and Sydney Marlow (1:44.62) and the sprint medley relay with the Marlow sisters and Davis (1:51.99). Schwenker ran the second 100 leg in that event.
She was also part of the state-record-breaking 4x100 team in eighth grade (:52.52).
But Schwenker has been playing soccer since she was barely bigger than the ball.
She competed at the Burlington YMCA and then at about 7 or 8, she said she began playing in the Southeast Soccer Academy and finally “graduated” out of that last fall.
“I have more fun playing soccer,” Schwenker said.
She was a natural fit for the forward spot, and this year so far she has nine goals.
“I can sprint down the field, that's what the coach likes,” said Schwenker and her high school coach has been Todd Ackerman.
“He's a great coach,” she said. “He really has pushed me to be better and be an all-around soccer player.
He has high expectations for the team, which is good because we can all push each other to compete at a higher level.”
In addition to honing her soccer skills at Notre Dame, she has also honed skills at her job for her future career.
“I have gained a tremendous amount of skill in the healthcare field that I believe will help me in nursing school.”
She also chose SCC for a couple of other reasons.
“They have some really nice equipment,” she said of the nursing department, which was given a new building just a few years ago.
Also, SCC started a partnership with Iowa Wesleyan University in Mount Pleasant, and her SCC scholarships will transfer, and IWU offers incentives for SCC grads to come over.
“I'll get my RN at SCC and get my bachelor's at Iowa Wesleyan,” Schwenker said.