The Burlington/West Burlington Area United Way, Inc. will conduct their Annual Meeting Luncheon on Friday, May 7, 2021, in the United Way Office at 12 Noon. The Meeting will be held via a conference call. All members and contributors are welcome. Please make reservations by calling the United Way Office at 752-7831.
Nominations to be voted on for Board Member elections and re-elections are as follows:
Marty Bowen, Pzazz Entertainment Center
Jim Olson, Great Western Bank
Robert Ritson, Retired, Two Rivers Insurance
Tim Siebert, Carl A. Nelson and Company
Edward Whitham, FMA Inc.
Nominations may be made from the floor. Nominees from the floor must consent to serve, in writing, no less than 24 hours prior to the nomination.
The Burlington/West Burlington Area United Way, Inc. will vote to amend Article III Section 1 of their by-laws
SECTION 1. MEMBERSHIP. The Board of Directors shall consist of at least 27 members and not more than 48 members elected from the membership of the corporation. Each Director shall be elected to a three-year term and may serve two consecutive full terms. One additional term may be approved by the Board of Directors to enable an officer to serve.
The amendment will be to reduce the Board of Directors to consist of at least 18 members and not more than 24 members elected from the membership of the corporation.
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