By Beacon Staff
The target of a large-scale methamphetamine trafficking investigation was arrested in McDonough County, Ill., Tuesday, March 15, two days after he led a high-speed chase across Burlington.
The chase started when Des Moines County Sheriff's deputies began pursuing 34-year-old Larry Keith Knotts – a known wanted subject. The pursuit, which involved the Burlington and West Burlington Police Departments, was kept largely within Burlington city limits until Knotts was able to lose police through high speeds and reckless driving.
Officers then located the fleeing vehicle parked in the area of 1511 Gnahn St., the known address of the suspect’s mother. Deputies gathered a witness statement of the suspect leaving the vehicle and heading toward the residence from the vehicle. A search warrant was then obtained and executed on the residence. The Des Moines County Tactical Response Team made entry into the residence, but Knotts was not located.
On Friday, March 11, tactical teams from the Des Moines County Sheriff’s Office, the Burlington Police Department, and the Iowa State Patrol had executed search warrants at Knotts’ known residences in response to an ongoing narcotics investigation. Knotts was the target for arrest.
How Knotts Was Captured
On Tuesday, March 15, at approximately 12:50 am, a Macomb police officer attempted to stop a vehicle (driven by Knotts) after the driver violated several traffic laws. The vehicle refused to stop for the officer. The officer continued to follow the vehicle and was eventually able to stop the vehicle inside a parking lot of a local business, with the assistance of additional units.
Upon further investigation, officers determined there was a large quantity of Crystal Methamphetamine (field tested positive) inside the vehicle and on the driver’s person. A large quantity of cash and miscellaneous jewelry were also located during the investigation. Furthermore, there was an infant child inside the vehicle, who was not properly secured in a child safety seat at the time of the stop. The child and passenger were safely escorted from the vicinity of the preliminary investigation by officers.
Knotts was placed under arrest and was transported to the McDonough County Jail for lodging. Investigators assisted and later determined that Knotts provided a false name to officers during the initial investigation. Additionally, investigators determined that Knotts was previously involved in a high-speed chase in Burlington authorities and was wanted on a felony warrant.
Knotts is charged with the following:
Possession of Methamphetamine 15-100 grams, Methamphetamine Trafficking, Obstructing Justice/Evidence Destruction, Aggravated Fleeing/Eluding, Endangering the Life or Health of a Child, and Obstructing Identification. Knotts was further cited for: Driving While License Suspended, Child Safety Seat, Improper Lane Usage, Wrong Way on a One-Way Street, Disobey Stop Sign.