By Beacon Staff
The Des Moines County Flea Market, once known as the Southeast Iowa Pigeon Show, is returning to the Southeastern Community College fairgrounds for three Sundays this summer. A little bit of everything will be for sale, including poultry, furry animals, plants, and flea market items.
The market will be open from 6 a.m. to noon on May 1, July 10, and Sept. 11. No sales will be conducted before 6 a.m. The entry fee is $1 per person, except for children, who will be admitted for free.
No firearms, alcohol, or illegal substances will be allowed. There will be no setup before 6 p.m. the night before the market, and early setups will be dismantled.
All transactions are solely between the buyer and the seller, and all sales of poultry and animals are subject to state laws. That means sellers must have health papers on all out-of-state animals, as well as scrapie tags on sheep and goats. There must be a pullorum test on poultry and waterfowl, and a pullorum tester and veterinarian will be on site.
To sign up as a vendor or for more information, call Doug Pohren at (319) 572-4994.