The Silvers Singers will begin rehearsals for their fall programs on Wednesday, Aug. 24. New and returning members are welcome to join, and rehearsals will be held on Wednesdays at 3 p.m. in the choir room at First Methodist Church, 421 Washington St., Burlington. There are no auditions, just a love of singing! Generally, members are at least 55 years old or are a “silver singer.”
The Silver Singers is currently under the musical direction of Randy Lee Webster, a Burlington native, the son of the late Shirley and Mrs. Shirley Webster. Randy is a graduate of both Coe College, Cedar Rapids, (B.M. in choral conducting and organ performance) and Bexley Hall, Rochester, New York (M.Div. in pastoral music; his musical training came from the Eastman Conservatory in organ performance and choral conducting). He currently serves as Minister of Faith and Worship, and Organist, at First Presbyterian Church here in Burlington and is, himself, a “silver singer!” Mr. Webster is also an Episcopal priest. You may contact their music director by emailing him at or by texting him at 570-766-2181.
History of The Silver Singers
In the Winter of 1985 the director of the city-sponsored Retired Senior Volunteer Program, Lorene Ellerhoff, advertised for volunteer vocalists beyond the age of 55. Interested parties could come from any walk of life, should love to sing, and could be committed to the group’s initial purpose of performing an inter-generational concert with elementary students in the Spring. Since the R.S.V.P. office was then located in Steamboat Senior Center, it was the most convenient place to rehearse. The rest is a blessed history!
The first inter-generational concert came to fruition with the collaboration of Blackhawk principal, Mary Ward, and vocal music instructor, Rhonda Zihlman. The Silver Singers and 4th and 5th graders of Blackhawk School first developed a pen pal relationship while, rehearsing their own songs and tunes they would sing together at their own site until their first meeting the afternoon before their joint concert before audiences in the schools’ gyms or cafeterias. By 2002 the Silver Singers and students from all Burlington’s elementary schools had performed together twice and youngsters from Notre Dame and West Burlington Schools also benefitted from the opportunity.
The inter-generational concert became a vocal goal each Spring; however, the Silver Singers enjoyed performing so much they stayed together throughout the entire year. Needless to say, they savored their association with other older vocalists, making new friends, and taking great pleasure in proving to their audiences they had not taken their final bows yet. Weather-permitting (and barring any medical appointments!), the Senior group practiced weekly, entertaining for a small honorarium or sometimes “sang for their supper” wherever invited, throughout the rest of the year. Until a more convenient site was offered by the First Methodist Church in 2019, they continued to rehearse in Steamboat Senior Center, where the group originated, at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday afternoons.
Since the Silver Singers’ inception, the size of the chorus has varied from 12 to more than 30 but the telling of its story would not be complete without crediting several volunteer directors and talented pianists and musicians who have dedicated themselves to the continuance of the group. Past and present directors include Lorene Ellerhoff, Sylvia Copley, Marilyn Sullivan, Jacob Yokum, Bill Luckenbill, and Randy Lee Webster. Musicians who have accompanied the Singers are Harriet Paulus, Marie Wolgamuth, Alice Hart, Bill Luckenbill, and Randy Webster, with special instrumental additions by Maureen Hutchcroft (flute), Becky McCullough (double bass), and Jack Wail (guitar).