Photos by John Lovretta

Above: Brylye Manes, a Southeastern Community College cheerleader, and Lillian Abbott push a chocolate lovers cake around Loren Walker Arena on Wednesday (Feb. 8) during a cake auction at the Pack the Gym in Pink event at Southeastern Community College. Southeast Iowa Regional Hospice partnered with the SCC Blackhawk Men's Basketball program for the annual fundraiser for the hospice program.

Above: Hospice volunteer Sharyn Miller, smiles while selling pink t-shirts during a Pack the Gym in Pink event. The event featured the sale of pink t-shirts and rally towels, a silent auction, and a cake auction during the halftime of SCC's game against Mineral Area College.

Above: Deb Marlin, a registered nurse with the Southeast Iowa Regional Hospice, waves a rally towel during a Pack the Gym in Pink event.

Above: Southeast Iowa Regional Hospice staff and volunteers gather on the court during a Pack the Gym in Pink event at Southeastern Community College in West Burlington. SCC defeated Mineral Area College, 65-59.